A Conspiracy Toss
Anagrams - Love them!
Author: P. Cruz
Did you know that this site's name is an anagram?
A Conspiracy Toss = Sarcastic Snoopy
And at school, if I'm known for one idiosyncrasy, it's my habit of bringing my ancient stuffed toy/plushie, I'm no longer sure of the difference, to school. Now how often depends on my mood, based on the silent occurrences at home, which in turn vary from silence to silent anger. Either way, the only sound you'll hear in my unit is the sound of my computer blaring my tunes at max volume.
Dial in Fita = Initial D Fan
Now, doesn't that explain my new aol email address. Actually the whole reason I made an account there was so that I could check out what went on in those live-chats of the IDW forums, no more, no less. But, I did, in fact make that up before that point in time, so no it was not extemporaneous. While my mother was still taking up that Medical Transcription course, I found myself with so much idle time on my hands that I just made it up.
Wry Operator = Rotary Power
Unfortunately, I wasn't the one who came up with that. Mr. Online Anagram Maker did. Either way, it's totally cool and suits the man in my avatar perfectly.
Miss Teak Ikea = Kei's a mistake
Here, I'm purposely being mean. He wasn't an accident.
Emperor = More Rep
RedSuns = Nerds Us
Night Kids = Kind Sight / Skid Thing
Impact Blue = Team Public
Now, if you haven't gathered by now, you can see the answers by highlighting the text. Btw, I don't take credit for these (for searching for them yes, for making them no, apart from the dialinfita one, though).
- will make more posts on this in the future when I can find my list of words to anagram.